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Best Chicken and Dumplings

11 July, 2013  Shana Shameer Avatar
Best Chicken and Dumplings
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Best Chicken and Dumplings

Chicken N Dumplings

Best Chicken and Dumplings


This dish is Southern American Comfort Food down to a T. Comforting Goodness in a bowl! ‘Chicken N Dumplings’ as this soup is referred to has been around since  the time of the ‘Great Depression’ preceding world war 2.
In times of need, the dumplings were added to soups and stews as a method to extend the dish and feed more mouths.
Dumplings, added to the soup or stew, are still used as a simple and economical way of extending such dishes. They have evolved independently in various cuisines around the world.


The dumplings are usually cereal based – oats,maize,wheat,rice etc.
Dumplings can be dropped by the spoonfuls or rolled and flattened and then cut before dropping in broth, they can also be flattened and shaped with filling before dropping.
The vegetables used can be celery, carrot, potato, corn, peas etc as well as varied herbs.


After trying several delicious southern style dishes, this is our favorite.


Best Chicken and Dumplings

Recipe Type: Soups / Heirloom
Author: Recipes ‘R’ Simple
Prep time: 15
Cook time: 
Total time: 15
Serves: 6


For stock:

  • 1 whole chicken, excluding the breasts (set away for another recipe) large pieces with skin kept on.
  • for the stock:
  • 3 long carrots, peeled and sliced into ½ ” pieces
  • 3 ribs of celery, sliced into ½ ” pieces
  • 1 large white or yellow onion, sliced
  • 6 sprigs of chives or 1 Tbsp dried
  • 5 large sprigs of parsley or 1 Tbsp dried
  • 5 sprigs of rosemary or 1 Tbsp dried
  • Fresh herbs are preferred
  • 12 cups water
  • 2 ½  tsp salt

For Dumplings:

  • 3 cups all purpose flour
  • 4 ½ tsp baking powder
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1¼ – 2¼ cups milk( use as required)
  • 1 large egg


  • 3 long carrots, peeled and sliced into ½ ” pieces
  • 3 ribs of celery, sliced into ½ ” pieces


The stock:

  • Add the chicken and all the ingredients for the stock and bring to simmer in a large pot with a tight fitting lid.
  • Best Chicken and Dumplings

    Carrots and Celery

    Best Chicken and Dumplings

    Stock ingredients

    Best Chicken and Dumplings

    Simmer Slowly

  • Simmer very gently for 1- 1½ hours till the chicken falls off the bone.
  • ( do a test on one piece. Do not stir and break the chicken up in the stock)
  • Strain the stock with a fine strianer or cheesecloth and reserve the stock.
  • Pick out the chicken pieces from the vegetables and discard the vegetables.
  • Gently remove and discard the bones and skin thoroughly  from the chicken. Set aside.
  • Return the clear stock to the stove with more carrots and celery and bring to a simmer again.
  • Best Chicken and Dumplings

    Return the strained stock to the pot and add more carrots and celery

Best Chicken and Dumplings

More carrots and celery

The dumplings:

  • Measure the dry ingredients for the dumplings (flour, baking powder and salt) in a bowl and mix.
  • In another bowl, whisk the egg.
  • Add 1 ¼ cups milk to the beaten egg and whisk well together.
  • Add this(egg mixture) to the dry ingredients and mix well with a fork till you get a nice dough, the consistency of biscuit dough. You may need to add more milk.. There should be no more dry mix visible. Remember  it should be a well mixed droppable batter as opposed to pourable.
  • Best Chicken and Dumplings

    Egg & Milk into Dry Mix

    Best Chicken and Dumplings

    like a drop biscuit dough

  • To the simmering soup, add the batter by only tablespoonfuls, one at a time and evenly spaced.Do not add large drops, as the dumplings will not cook properly and will be hard at the centre.
  • Dip the spoon in the hot soup before each scoop. It helps to drop the dumpling easily.
  • When all the dough is finished, cover the pot and do not peek for 20 minutes –leave to simmer.
  • After 20 minutes, return the cooked chicken


Best Chicken and Dumplings

Try it and let us know – Best Chicken and Dumplings.

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